Stable bedding made from hemp

The raw material for our hemp hurds is hemp grown in Sweden. The bedding is highly absorbent and dust-free. It therefore offers a very high level of comfort for horses.
Our hemp hurds can absorb large quantities of liquid due to their high absorbency and at the same time have the ability to absorb and neutralise odours.
Our product is particularly soft and therefore offers a high level of comfort for the horses when they lie down and rest. The hemp bedding also has a strong insulating capacity, which offers the advantage that the horses do not lie on cold ground even in winter.
The virtually dust-free bedding has a dust content of less than 2%.

  • For dust-sensitive horses
  • 100% natural - no chemicals
  • Very high absorbency


Packaging form: Vacuum packaging made from recycled PET

Weight per bale: 10 kg / 20 kg

Bale size: 40 x 38 x 34 cm / 80 x 38 x 34 cm

Quantity per pallet: 36 bales / 21 bales

Pallets per lorry: 34 pallets

Also suitable for

• Allergy
• Respiratory problems
• COB (chronic obstructive bronchitis)
• Diarrhoea/colic
• Laminitis


Raw material: Light-coloured hemp shives
Odour: neutral
Contamination: Free (0%) of foreign substances or liquids


When you choose hemp bedding from Peer-Span, you are also supporting the use of renewable resources.

Hemp bedding - renewable material from the plant kingdom

Our hemp contains no chemicals or additives. Hemp straw is obtained from the wood in the core of the plant. The hemp fibres around the core are used for building materials, while the wood material in the core is used as stable bedding for animals. The hemp hurds are a biodegradable material, which simplifies disposal. Hemp is a renewable raw material that binds carbon during the growth phase. Together with bamboo, hemp has the fastest natural growth cycle. It grows in around 120 days and provides eight times more biomass per hectare than forest.
The raw material for Peer-Span hemp bedding is grown by farmers in Sweden. The hemp variety used is called Bialobrzeskie and has a high proportion of long and strong fibres. It takes around 120 days from sowing to harvest. When the hemp plant is processed into bedding, the fibres are removed and the shives are shredded into smaller pieces that can be easily spread in the stable or around the animals.